

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good Excuses for Missing Work

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Workers the world over miss work sooner or later some of which have paid sick and vacation leave built into their contracts. Even so, missing work still has to be requested and/or justified to an employer in which case good excuses for missing work can come in handy. Sometimes having excuses for missing work isn't enough and the method with which the excuse is used can become invaluable in making the most of the excuse.

Some of the real excuses that might sound good, may not be that typical, but are nevertheless good excuses for missing work. For an excuse to be 'good', it should be real, valid, not overused and plausible. However, one's work situation may be unique; it may be high season, or your office is short staffed and supervisors are counting on you to get the job done. In this case it may be important to utilize some 'office diplomacy' or 'tact' when taking sick leave. 

Below are a few of the less common excuses for missing work, followed by an explanation as to why they are good excuses and how they work. After that are some tips and techniques that might help make your excuse more bona fide. When sick days and vacation days get overused, coming up with genuine and good excuses for missing work can be slim pickings. There are different types of excuses for missing work: real excuses that are good, excuses that seem real but aren't, and bad excuses. Essentially, the first category is the one that will get you into the least amount of trouble; these are the excuses that are good because of their legitimacy.

7 excuses for missing work

1. Evicted from home: So maybe your personal life is a mess and you haven't paid your rent or mortgage. An eviction notice can be a great excuse to miss work especially if you can't find your clothes.

2. Yoga injury: This one can be used more than once due to the many types of exercise available. Sports and exercise injuries are common and demonstrate that you the employee are actually trying to improve your life and be pro-active in becoming a better person.

3. Parasites: Parasites are small creatures that feed off a host body. Lice can be a good excuse for missing work because they can spread and chances are no one else in your work place are going to like the idea of being exposed to them.

4. Police investigation: Police investigations can take time and sound serious. An explanation of the police investigation is not needed unless asked because it's not really your bosses business unless you're the one being investigated.

5. Jury duty: Jury duty requires one to attend court by law to perform civic responsibilities. You have to be a Citizen for this excuse to work and it can get you up to a week off if it's a lengthy criminal trial. Better yet, you can get vacation pay and jury duty pay simultaneously.

6. Poverty stricken foster child: If you take care of proxy children or support children overseas through foster sponsorships, they can return the favor by visiting you and getting you off work.

7. Car issues: Car issues are quite common so are a realistic excuse for missing work. Flat tires may be good for being late, but a failed safety inspection can get you the day off especially if its something that has to be done right away. Brakes that are about to fail, a muffler that is dragging against the ground, or a broken serpentine belt all require fast attention and take around a morning or longer to repair.

Another final reason that may work on occasion is hospitalization or dental surgery.  This doesn't happen quite often, so can't really be overused unless your getting bypass surgery or something requiring long periods off work. Depending on the type of hospitalization, you may not want to disclose the type of hospital; for example, if it is a mental hospital. 

There are many reasons for hospitalization, minor surgery, wisdom tooth removal, root canals, rehabilitation, physical therapy etc. are all incapacitating or require time, and may even require advance notice to the boss because you may not be able to speak after surgery.
Missing work tips and techniques: 

Missing work is a bit of an art especially if you need to do it a lot. Demonstrating to the boss that you're still dedicated to getting your job done and taking time off for various reasons can be challenging in high stress work environments. Knowing which excuse to use and when is important as some excuses work better at different times. In other words, there are lots of excuses, some more creative than others and an excuse that fits the occasion can be just right.

• Keep it real: If it sounds like a lie, the boss will become suspicious. For example, yard city ordinances work better in summer than winter, and to use kids as an excuse you actually have to have some. The best excuses are real and honest.

• Use tact: If you're using an excuse you know won't be received well, but is genuine, it may be wiser to add some flare to it with a modest amount of embellishment, and emphasis on the reality of the situation.

• Look like hell: When you go in the next day wear less make up, get bags under your eyes, or if you have allergies eat foods that cause a mild physical reaction like hives. What's more, an allergic reaction can also get you the day off without a Doctor's note.

• Wear mismatching clothes: Unflattering clothes and colors that don't look good on you tell your colleagues something is wrong.

• Bring a box of tissues to work: There's no harm in playing up a cold or flu with a few sniffs and nose blows here and there. It adds authenticity to the excuse for missing work.

• Create a diversion: An unfortunate workplace event can be just the thing to take attention away from your horrendous attendance at work. Hopefully you have another pair of pants to replace the ones with hot coffee on them, or a band-aid for that monster paper cut.


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