

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Are martini glass logos a good idea?

Corporate logos on martini glasses are a form of advertising ideally backed by strong marketing and marketing research. This article will discuss the corporate logo on Martini glasses in terms of 1) target demographic, 2) logo objective and 3) product branding. The decision to utilize corporate logos may first be carried out in a sample population such as a city or town prior to expanding the campaign, and after researching the feasibility, and affect the martini glass logo advertising campaign has. The reason for testing the advertising on a smaller group is to validate the statistical, quantitative and/or qualitative market research.

 Image source: 'Kyle May', CC BY SA-2.0

The martini drinker: What demographics is the logo aimed at

The objective of utilizing martini glasses with brand names should conform with marketing and corporate goals. For example, increased sales of a product, higher product exposure, creation of brand image etc. Since martini glasses are quite specific in usage, location of use and demographic, the product should be aimed at those consumers most likely to drink martinis. Some attributes of martini drinkers are the following:

• Pro-alcohol
• Over 21 years old
• Worldly or informed
• Drinkers of Gin or Vodka
• Partial to complimentary products ex. Napkins

These are just a few common aspects that may apply to martini drinkers that illustrate who corporate logos on martini glasses would appeal to. Moreover, just are the persons more likely to drink martinis, there are also those who are less likely to drink martinis such as the following:
• Children
• Non-drinkers 
• Religious Muslims
• Health advocates

Thus the corporate logo on martini glasses targets martini drinkers who tend to fit into a specific demographic grouping. This helps eliminate the range of products less likely to benefit from martini glass logos and assists in clarifying the objective of the logo. The objective of the logo should not only conform to the identified target market but also influence or appeal to that group. Otherwise, the target market has been identified but advertised to incorrectly.

The logo: Defining the objective of the martini glass

The objective of a martini glass logo is obviously advertising and marketing, and perhaps less obviously to indicate the type of glass, country of origin and other manufacturing information. Generally however, the objective is creating brand awareness. Determining how best to generate brand awareness involves 1) analyzing the market 2) weighing pros and cons and 3) implementation of the advertising campaign. These factors should ideally be considered prior to distribution of martini glasses. Some possible objectives to consider when utilizing logos on martini glasses are listed below:

• Affect on revenue
• Congruence with corporate branding as a whole
• Increases in brand loyalty
• Improved consumer awareness
• Positive cost/benefit proportions and profit margin
• Enhanced product perception

After analyzing the market, and performing a SWOT analysis it should become more clear to a company's marketing team how useful a logo on martini glasses is likely to be. Moreover, research should be aimed at measuring the liklihood of the above objectives being achieved. The research may involve product testing, consumer surveys, branding cost comparisons, production and logistical feasibility studies and so forth. If the it becomes evident that the corporate objectives, applicable time horizon and/or strategic objectives of a company can benefit from the martini glass logos, it may be worth while to implement a campaign that includes the glasses.

Product branding: How martini glass logos affect the product

The martini glass may be branded in a number of ways and the martini glass itself doesn't necessarily have to have a logo on it. If a company is giving away free glasses to promote itself then a logo may not be needed. Moreover, if a business is promoting an event or providing financing of an event, then the martini glasses along with martinis itself be advertising enough. Some companies that might benefit from use of martini glasses and or logos on martini glasses are the following because they are more likely to appeal to the aforementioned demographic.

• Alcohol producers
• Bars and hospitality venues
• Event marketers
• Corporate sponsors
• Artists, artisans, or glass blowers
• Martini glass distributors

The above list is not necessarily exhaustive of who might benefit from corporate logos on martini glasses but is indicative of the most obvious of beneficiaries. To go beyond these types of companies could involve more marketing risk and hence necessitate more market research that costs money. This is not to say a whole new way of bringing a somewhat un-marketed product to the forefront of a new marketing campaign isn't possible. For example, consider the image of the martini itself. A cocktail among many it has acquired a reputation through history and film. Without that type of branding, the martini might very well have no significant pre-existing brand value at all.

In other words, martinis themselves were branded long ago and add value to any branding on top of the martini's existing brand equity. How the martini is portrayed, its brand image and when it is used can all influence the affect of the martini glass logo. Consequently, putting a corporate logo on a Martini glass would ideally be considered not just in terms of appearance but also context. Other factors relevant to and surrounding the martini glass' logo include a number of aesthetic features.

• Glass shape
• Color and size of the martini glass
• Style and thickness of the glass
• Setting in which the glass is used ex. Art exhibit
• Sponsorship of the event in which martini is used
• Free distribution of the glasses


Martini glass logos are a form of advertising that may or may not be conducive to a particular company's marketing objectives and brand image. Specific demographic groups are more likely to be influenced and/or persuaded by martini glass logos than others. The objectives of martini glass logos should be clearly defined and identified prior to ascertaining the forecasted benefits of their use. 

These possible benefits can be determined through market research. Market research in tandem with corporate strategy an goals can help establish feasibility, parameters, features and distribution of the martini logos in concept before implementation of the actual advertising campaign, thus reducing possible risk to the company's objectives and advertising goals.


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