

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Auto insurance: Money-Saving Strategies

There are many ways to lower auto insurance and if correctly done, a driver can pay as little as $25.00 per month for auto insurance. The tips in this article can help drivers save money and lower insurance premiums significantly.

The more of the following insurance reducing techniques are utilized, the greater the savings to costs. Additionally, the money that is saved on insurance premiums can be invested, saved or used to pay off vehicle financing. There are several strategies to save money on insurance, some of which are listed below and expanded upon thereafter.

• Avoid driving infractions
• Multiple coverage markdowns
• Cash requirements on claims
• Type of insurance and state insurance requirements
• Insurance company

Avoid driving infractions

Driving infractions have the potential to increase insurance costs and include speeding tickets, driving under the influence charges, accidents where the insured is at fault, negligent driving arraignment, and vehicle safety violations.

Simply put, avoiding all these fractions over time can have a beneficial affect on one's auto insurance costs because having none of these for several years indicates safe driving which amounts to lower risk for the insurance provider. On a policy statement, safe driving discounts may be listed and adjusted for periodically depending on the insurance company one uses.

Multiple coverage markdowns

In addition to avoiding driving infractions, an auto insurance policy holder can benefit from having more than one insurance, including different types of insurance with a company. For example, one may have renters insurance, and one or more auto insurance policies under the same account.
This allows for what is called as a multi-line discount on insurance premiums. However, it is also important to note that unnecessary insurance policies can increase cost even if those costs are off set by multiple line discounts. Consequently, the decision to hold multiple policies should be weighed carefully.

Cash requirements on claims

Many insurance policies require an upfront cash payment when making insurance claims. These amounts can vary from $100.00-$1000.00 and also affect the cost of auto insurance. Since lower up front cash payments cost the driver less in the event of an accident and also allow the driver to make claims on smaller accidents causing damage over the cash payment amount, this can end up costing the insurance company more.

In light of this, insurance companies often raise premiums to compensate for the lower cash deductible amount. Carefully assessing this value with one's premium, type of car, driving habits, and desired coverage can significantly affect insurance costs.

Type of insurance and state insurance requirements

Being aware of the requirements mandated by different states and countries can help in lowering auto insurance costs. Moreover, in some states, auto insurance is not required at all. In those States where auto insurance is not required the cost of liability can be large if a driver does get into an accident at which he or she is at fault but otherwise pays nothing for auto insurance.

In some cases, where auto insurance is required, but a vehicles value is low, liability coverage may be all that is necessary as the additional coverage on the low value of the car may not be worth the extra insurance cost. Additionally, the dollar amount of insurance coverage affects premium rates. For example, medical coverage can be anywhere from the hundreds of thousands to millions. In the latter case, this type of coverage would cost more.

Insurance company

As many people know, there are many different insurance companies including Geico, State Farm, AAA, AARP, Progressive, American Family Insurance, Allstate etc. This high level of competition can be an advantage in shopping for insurance as the companies may compete to offer a potentially new client a competitive enough rate to bring them away from their old insurance provider. By shopping around either online or by calling insurance companies for quotes, one can then choose the better rate for the same or similar vehicle coverage.

Also, some insurance agents act as 'middle persons' or brokers for insurance companies. In these cases, additional fees and/or surcharges will be added to the cost of insurance. If a driver can locate an insurance provider that provides comparable service to an agent, it may be worthwhile to switch auto 
insurance providers to save money.

Vehicle safety

Vehicle safety features also affect auto insurance costs. This is because items like security systems, air bags, vehicle safety rating etc. can all have an impact on how much money an insurance pays out in medical or vehicle replacement costs in the cases of medical injury or auto theft.

Considering and comparing the cost of installing an alarm system on an expensive car may be worth while in terms of the cost of insurance over time because the difference in premium costs may add up to the cost of the alarm system and then some over the life of the vehicle or as long as the vehicle is owned. The same may be true for other safety features such as rear plate cameras.


Saving money on auto insurance really is possible unless one has already taken all the steps to lowering auto insurance costs. The tips in this article may reduce the cost of auto insurance premiums significantly especially if combined and over longer periods of time.

Ultimately, the cost of insurance is up to the insurance company and their policies, however being aware of how auto insurance companies make premium decisions is a useful way to potentially save many dollars on insurance that could be used for other things such as paying down vehicle loans.




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