

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cheap Ways to Move Across Country

Finding cheap ways to move across country is a concern that faces millions of people every year. The U.S. Census Bureau reported 5.03 million people moved across state lines in 2008; this was 13% of the total amount of movers. (1) Moving also takes time, costs money and uses up energy. Reducing the cost of moving across country optimizes all these things by reducing how much time, money and energy are needed for the move. Several methods exist which can indeed lower the cost of moving across country.

• Rent out furniture and equipment:

If the move is temporary, renting furniture, household belongings and equipment while you're away can save you having to physically move the items yourself and reverses the cash flow for a passive income. Finding renters is the harder part, but there are options including property management firms, student housing, property rental and free ad listings.

• Offer free use of property:

Another cheap way to move across country is to loan property to reliable friends and family while you're gone or until you decide you need your stuff back. This lowers the cost of moving by reducing the quantity of items that have to be moved. However, keep in mind, if you're going to need things in your new destination that could involve moving as well.

• Offload or sell unwanted items:

Moving across country can be a great way to offload unneeded or unwanted items. To spend less on your cross country move sell your unwanted items using free ad listings, garage sales or through networks. When you can't sell the items donating them to charity could save you between 10-38% of the donated amount in taxes by using the charitable donation tax deduction. If you don't itemize deductions, simply giving away stuff can still be a more cost effective way to move.

• Simplify logistics:

Simplifying logistics can be a cheap way to move across country because it limits the moving process by design. In other words, by making adjustments to the moving i.e. logistical process, the cross-country move can become simplified and therefore potentially more cost effective and practical. Some ways to simplify logistics are listed below and while it might be hard to find an actual trans-national logistics club, some of the other methods might work. For example, several companies offer door to door moving where the mover fills a container and the company moves the container, this saves on the packing and unpacking cost.

1. Drive with or without trailer
2. Self loading moving containers
3. Trans-national logistics club
4. Rent vehicle and fly
5. Move off season

• Drive for charity:

In 2010, the IRS has indicated the charitable miles deduction will be .14 cents per mile. If you can create a dual-purpose move that includes a charitable service, that may qualify you for this gas deduction. .14 cents a mile adds up to $140 in deductible tax income if you itemize and drive 1000 miles. An example charitable idea; get sponsors for your trip and pay the charity with the sponsor's money and deduct the miles.

• Move with service included:

To triple your cheap way to travel across country, the trip could be of three or more purposes. For example, do you know anyone who needs a ride to St. Louis or wherever it is you're going? Maybe someone would like an in person mail transporter or a company might want to move something on the cheap that you could do for them. It might take you a little out of your way, but if you're getting paid for it, that's another way to cheaply travel cross country.

Lastly, if you're moving to a new job, you may qualify for the moving expense adjustment on your taxes. To make this adjustment to your taxable income an IRS form 3903 is used, and as per the 2009 form, the move has to be greater than 50 miles. The adjustment includes lodging but not meals and does not required itemized deductions. So in conclusion, there are a few cheap ways to move across country if you're resourceful and don't mind forgoing some of the more expensive methods.




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