

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Home Selling Tips for Missouri Residents

The Missouri housing marketing includes cities such St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbia and Jefferson City. There is also a housing market for vacation, rural and smaller cities and towns in places like Lake of the Ozarks, Branson, Springfield, Blue Springs etc. The housing market is different in many of these areas due to Missouri demographics and economics, but similar to other States in terms of the national or regional economy and housing market.

Naturally, selling the home at a time when the most money can be easily acquired for the home is ideal. However, in both tough and smooth markets, and for Missouri housing markets, it can be helpful to 1) know your market, 2) place your home in the market properly, and 3) make your home worth buying. This article will discuss these 3 points in the following sections.

Section 1: Potential market for Missouri home buyers

Knowing each individual market within Missouri can be helpful in assessing who the appropriate target market for the home may be and whether or not real estate investing is a good idea in that market. To illustrate further, the State of Missouri has several unique characteristics that can be indicative of its potential home buying markets. Some attributes of the State of Missouri that assist in defining the market for people with homes for sale in Missouri are described in the next paragraph.

Missouri is a State that borders 8 other States so it also sees a lot of interstate traffic. The State is also home to several Universities including the University of Missouri system which includes Columbia, Kansas City and Rolla. Jefferson City is the Capital of the State and the State currently has a Republican led Government. The State is home to several National sports teams including the St. Louis Cardinals, Kansas City Chiefs, and Kansas City Royals and has a significantly large agricultural community and economy.

Due to Missouri's diversity, economy, location, social demographics and location in the United States, several distinct population groups may be more likely to seek out homes to buy in various parts of Missouri. These groups are potential target markets for people with homes for sale in Missouri, as mentioned in point 1 in the 1st paragraph above. A few of these potential markets are listed below in no particular order.

• Interstate truckers
• Agricultural workers, administrators, farm owners etc.
• Out of State professional relocating to Missouri
• Newly wed couples and new families
• Recent Doctoral and/or Fellowship enrollees
• House flippers, investors and up-graders

Section 2: Placing a Missouri home in the property market

After a target market is identified, pursing that market is just as important as identifying it. Placing your home for sale in the market properly is an essential step for people with homes for sale in Missouri. This involves making buyers and potential buyers aware of the property, facilitating the process of learning about the real estate and encouraging interest in the home. Several general methods can be used to promote this process, however additional techniques unique to each market and micro-market may also be beneficial.

To place a property on the market the home can be listed independently, or via a Real Estate Agent or Realtor. If put on the market independently, being very clear on the home buying and selling process is important as there will be no agent to assist if one is not used. Secondly, if an agent or Realtor is utilized, get a feel for their marketing style, efficiency and know how. An effective and helpful Agent or Realtor can have a considerable impact in properly placing a Missouri home for sale in the housing market.

• Make sure the home is listed in the MLS or FSBO system
• Talk to neighbors, family or friends about the home
• Advertise locally and in addition to the Agent or Realtor's efforts
• Be aware and make use of up to date and helpful marketing tools
• Actively seek out buyers most likely to be interested
• Provide seller financing if possible
• Have a good and legitimate reason for selling

Section 3: Making a Missouri  home worth buying 

Once the home for sale in Missouri is placed on the market, making the home attractive to buyers is also important. Different people have different concerns, look for certain things in a new home and naturally want to get the most for their dollar. Appealing to these interests is beneficial in promoting the home for sale in Missouri in addition to helping make the property worth buying.

To help make a Missouri home that is for sale worth buying several general and specific methods and techniques can be used. General techniques include selling ideas that assist in attracting Missouri and out of State home buyers/target market on a broad level. Specific methods for making a Missouri home for sale worth buying include more focused, localized and micro-market specific. For example, many people like homes to have aspects such as functional wiring, plumbing, doors, cleanliness etc. Some general things one might consider in making a Missouri home for sale more interesting are listed below.

• Price the home at or slightly below neighborhood homes with similar features
• Only upgrade the home for those things that add more value than the lowest cost
• Remove clutter from home and tidy lawn
• Repair cosmetic flaws of the home
• Offer a reasonable asking price

In the case of more specific markets may be interested in things like proximity to good schools, neighborhood characteristics, location near work or in certain areas close to parks, churches, commercial venues etc. It's difficult if not impossible to appeal to everyone within your target market so becoming aware of the more probably home attributes that are more likely to appeal to a larger market can be a good way to approach the step of making a home worth buying for people with homes for sale in Missouri. Some specific ways that may make the home worth buying for home-buyers in Missouri include the ideas listed hereafter.

• Similarity of home with neighborhood traits, ex-proportional square footage
• Features that suit the surrounding environment, ex-shed for large lawns
• Suitable space for vehicle(s), ex-double driveway or parking garage
• Cost saving features, ex-energy efficient windows
• Interior design, ex-bathroom with a fan


For people with homes for sale in Missouri, selling can be easy or difficult depending on overall market conditions. However, making use of methods and techniques that can help sell a Missouri home within less time can be worthwhile in some cases. The steps in this article address improving prospects for selling a home in Missouri, but don't guarantee that such methods or techniques will be successful. Those techniques include identifying a suitable market, promoting to those Missouri and other home-buyers within that market and appealing to those home buyers' interests, wishes and/or expectations for a home.


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