

Friday, November 30, 2012

3 great jobs that pay well

When deciding which career to pursue, the median salary of the occupation is among anyone's top priorities. However, there are other aspects which make lucrative jobs which would otherwise be merely good-paying, great. Looking beyond the obvious occupational draw of what an individual happens to enjoy doing, the three great paying jobs that pay well listed here are great for many other reasons.

Job 1: Nursing

The draw for one to become a nurse will, in nearly all cases, deal with more than mere salary. Most individuals drawn to nursing will have a desire to care for and help others - a drive which will undoubtedly be sated with a career in nursing. Of additional interest to those with a desire to pursue nursing is the incredible growth of the occupation in recent years, as well as its predicted growth in the near future: over 600,000 new jobs are expected to emerge in the field, meaning that almost anyone who desires to be a Nurse will have the opportunity to do so.

Not only is there a huge amount of opportunity for those interested on the field; the median salary for a nurse may also serve as a draw for those interested. In recent years the median nurse salary was $65,000, meaning one can pursue their dream of becoming a nurse and make a large enough salary to live comfortably. Technological advancements in the field also contribute to the ease of the job; excising tedious and the otherwise unenjoyable aspects of the job such as patient data recording and collection. With these undesirable elements covered by new technologies, a practicing nurse can enjoy their job to the fullest.

Job 2: Software engineering

For those interested in working with computers and making a great salary, look nor further than a job in Software Engineering. In the ever expanding field of computer-related products, the need for software engineers is ever expanding. With over 175,000 new jobs expected to exist in the field in the next six years, there is no better occupation for the computer-savvy individual. There's no need to sacrifice pay for enjoyment with a job as a software engineer either: the median salary for an individual in the field is $95,000. Those with at least a bachelor's degree in a computer-related occupation (such as Computer Information Systems, Embedded Systems, or Computer Engineering) and practical experience should have the best opportunities in obtaining a job in the field.

Job 3: Computer systems analysis

A relatively new occupation only in existence for about 20 years, Computer Systems Analysis is a another great job that pays well. As with the previous occupation, software engineering, those interested in computers or intra-office communication via technology will be most apt to enjoy a job in this field. There is no better time to pursue a career in it either; 100,000 new system analysts will be required in the next half decade. Their presence in larger business is essential, with companies paying those willing to take the position very well. The median income for the job is $77,000, allowing for an individual interested in computers to do what they love while still making a very lucrative salary. 

For more career advice and online degree options, please visit Career Relay at "Empower Yourself"


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