

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

10 Common relocation mistakes

By Keith Barrett
It doesn’t matter if you’re moving down the road or to another country, your plans for the move should be the same no matter what. In the following paragraphs you will find information on the most common mistakes people make when moving home, and as this is already a stressful time, if you follow the advice in this article, it will help your move run far more smoothly.

1. Planning

If you don’t plan your move, you could end up in all sorts of trouble. Knowing what you have to do and on what specific dates is vital. One of the best pieces of advice is to make a list. List’s will become you’re best friend over the coming weeks, and they should be your main priority.

2. Poor choice of removal company

Finding the right removal company is only at number two because we feel that when planning your move, this should be on your list. Having the right company to help you move should be your next priority, and you should take your time. Make sure you start by asking friends and family if they know of anyone, and when you do contact someone, CHECK their reputation. They should be able to give you all their insurance information, and prove they have already carried-out many successful moves.

3. Your budget

Watch the pennies! It’s very easy for the money you’re spending to mount up. Little things like packing materials soon add up. Make sure you keep a tally of what you’ve spent and how much you have left. Also, don’t forget to factor the cost of moving you and your family as well as your belongings.

4. Poor packing

If you’re going to pack your own items, make sure you do it properly. Fragile items should be well wrapped, and don’t over-fill boxes. Trying to save a little money on buying boxes could cost you more in the long-run. The last thing you need is for your precious dinner service to end up in pieces all over the floor.

5. Insurance options

When you speak to your removal company, make sure they have enough insurance to cover the cost of your belongings. Many people forget to do this, and if an expensive TV gets broken, you might only get a fraction of what it’s worth, if at all.

6. Withholding details from your removal company

When you tell your removal company what you’re moving make sure you tell them EVERYTHING. There is nothing worse than the team arriving to your home to find that you’ve forgotten to tell them about that Grandfather clock that needs to go with you.

7. Signing the inventory

When you receive the inventory from the removal company, go over it with a fine tooth comb. Make sure the list matches the one you have down to the very last detail.

8. Pets

When you’re in the throws of a move, it can be easy to forget that your pets might need specialist attention. This is especially important of you’re going abroad. Plan well in advance, so pets are properly protected, and are legal to travel to your new country.

9. What you don’t need

Many people make the common mistake of taking everything they own with them. This not only costs you more money because the volume is larger, but you could be missing out on making a bit of cash. Be ruthless with what you don’t need, and consider selling at a car boot sale.

10. Not timing the move

Always make sure you plan at least 3-4 months prior to moving.

Keith Barrett keeps a keen eye on the property market. He also knows that The Road Ahead can handle European removals, helping to keep things that bit easier.


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