

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

State Credit Ratings and Bonds

When buying bonds from state governments it is a good idea to check out the state credit rating. There are also multiple types of bonds which can have their own credit ratings. For example, California's State credit ratings are divided among five categories of debt according to the California State Treasurer. Of those five are 'general obligation', 'Lease revenue bonds', 'general obligation commercial paper, revenue anticipation notes and economic recovery bonds. 

Some interesting link about state credit ratings:

9 States with best credit ratings:                            
Credit rating by state per California State Treasurer:
U.S. States credit score card:                                  
State ratings in 2008:                                              
Tax and expenditure limitations on state credit ratings:

State's credit ratings on bonds can change from year to year so having access to up to date information is useful. Standard and Poor's and Moody's have current state credit information but each require registration. Moody's registration and some of its credit data is free; Standard and Poor's offers a free trial upon approved review.


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