

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Business Office Technology of The Near Future

Offices have undergone drastic changes in the last several decades from typewriters to computers, carbon copy to photocopy, from low level lighting to commercial fluorescent lighting and from hot humid offices to air conditioned worked environments. Technological advancements in the working environment will continue so long as technology can be affordably integrated into the commercial environment. Such changes are likely to occur in all types of industry including the service and manufacturing industries.

Technology advancements in the service industry

The service industry spans a large range of commerce and has become more important in the United States than the manufacturing industry. With changes in technology, employee demographics and skills, cost management and other work related factors, the service industry has already and will likely continue to adapt. A few changes that may continue in the service as a means of both optimizing work force, productivity and cutting office costs include the following:

• Telecommuting software

Several service industries already make use of telecommuting software. An example being the outpatient nursing business in which nurses visit patients and upload care management information via the internet using company provided software on information processing equipment. This allows the nurses to be more productive and affords them greater flexibility through saving time commuting to an office when they could be meeting client needs instead. Similar software is used in other industries and the telecommuting trend may rise to incorporate work life balance, non-standard work hours, lower office space requirements and so on.

• Energy efficient computing

Another area where change is occurring is in the area of computing efficiency. Since computers, servers and information storage devices use a significant amount of energy, the creation of energy efficient computing devices is a natural stage in the evolution of information technology. This can not only save companies on energy costs, but also help the environment.

• High capacity processors

The trend of higher capacity computer processors has been active for several years and has recently continued to be developed and improved upon in various ways whether it be higher storage capacity, greater speed, lower energy usage or smaller space requirements. The evolution of computer processors makes possible greater tasks, functions and capacity thereby improving the potential for computers in the workplace.

• Interactive Voice Communications

Teleconferencing has existed for some time now but may also develop further through combining internet capabilities with enhanced voice transfer capacity. Cell phones, internet, computers and telecommunications infrastructure may advance such that the a larger and faster facility is enabled and in doing so improve interactive voice communications in the office.

Technology advancements in the manufacturing sector

The manufacturing sector includes production of large equipment such as vehicles, conveyor belts, building supplies, electronic equipment, energy production and refining etc. As with the service industry, manufacturing is also able to benefit from advances in technology. A few potential developments that may emerge to a greater extent in the manufacturing industry are the following:

• Electronic Engineering

With more sophisticated computer programming, functionality and reliability, engineering may incorporate a greater amount of computer technology into various industries. For example, automobiles have already begun to incorporate computerized components, mining companies use computerized equipment to test geographical areas before mining and architects and engineers may continue to use in increasing ways, modeling software to test designs, strength, building requirements and adjustments for the purpose of saving time and energy in physical modeling and cost in terms of correcting potential problems via computer before they start in reality.

• Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence involves computer hardware and software that is able to learn and integrate new information on its own without additional input from a programmer or user. This can enable computers to do more and become more flexible within industry thereby allowing humans greater capacity to perform higher level decision making tasks.

Other office technological advancements

Additional technological changes may span both service, manufacturing and other industries if not create new industries altogether. Two more examples of how progress in the field of technology may influence the commercial environment and future offices are the following.

• E-Commerce focused Information Technology

The internet has led to an expanding ecommerce environment in which brick and mortar companies have been replaced with warehouse delivery operations. In other words, the sales and marketing has shifted toward the internet placing less demand and revenue generation in the hands of traditional companies that service walk in clients. Consequently, offices may focus more heavily on ecommerce information technology in the future, and less on office designs and space suited to walk in clients.

• Digital Security

Security guards and surveillance cameras traditionally maintained Security. While these two forms of security are not disposable and will likely continue to be utilized in the future, other mechanisms of security may be integrated into total office security systems. For example, DNA scans may more effectively verify the identity of a person than the possession of an ID card or badge encrypted with scanning codes that unlock doors, computer programs etc.


Office technology is an aspect of the information age that is difficult to ignore. To stay competitive, profitable and meet commercial demands, technology continues to evolve and be innovated and in some cases be affordable enough to work its way through commercial and civilian environments. This has happened in the past and if the trend continues, progress into the future changing the face of the office environment again and again for many years to come.



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