

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Is A Return to the Gold Standard a 'Financial Trojan Horse'?

The following video was produced in the 1990's, a time when the U.S. economy was booming. It predicted a return to a gold standard would have a dramatic affect on the U.S. economy. This is because gold shrinks the money supply of an economy that basis the value of its currency on faith in that economy. 

Fast forward to 2011; the price of gold is over $1,400 per ounce and talk of a return to a gold standard has hit the airwaves. A May 16, 2011 article by Peter Morici of 'Enter Stage Right' called 'The risk of U.S. default and the return to the gold standard' is just one example.

The International Monetary Fund which holds $130.2 billion of gold at current prices uses 'Special Drawing Rights' or SDRs as another tool by which national banking systems can be managed by a global financial institution. These SDRs give the global financial system credit control as an 'international reserve asset'. The more financial strength is given to SDRs, the greater control management over that money has over global financial liquidity. 

If gold and financial strength of these types of institutions are used as leverage to exert non-voluntary  financial regulations on the global banking system, then a devaluing of the dollar helps that cause and may be a threat to the financial independence of nations.


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