

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things You Should Never Buy New

Things you should never buy new can be bought used at no great loss or don't need to be bought at all. Some new things either cost too much, don't taste as good or are just about to get old anyway. For example, that new cell phone made for the year you're in, but when the date is December 31st. Here are some more things that you should never buy new.

• Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon is a hardy grape that seems to grow everywhere and anywhere. That might be why it is often abrasive just after it's first produced. This wine and some others do age well and taste better with time because the flavors can soften, become richer and smoother on the palette.

• Oxygen

New Oxygen simply isn't necessary. All the oxygen molecules you breath are used, and one or two of the oxygen molecules you are breathing right now might even be the same ones breathed by your ancestors or any number of great and famous people in world history. For that matter, why buy oxygen at all unless you're going to space or scuba diving? Even then, the oxygen doesn't have to be new.

• Pickles

Pickles taste much better after they have been sitting in their brine or pickle juice for some time because they had time to absorb the flavors. A newly pickled pickle might not even taste like a pickle until enough time has passed for the pickle to brine. Pickles aren't just cucumbers either, many vegetables can be pickled and taste better after time.

• Blue Cheese

Things that need to ferment, such as blue cheese should never be purchased new because they won't have reached their full potential as a food product. Beer, and cider are things that need to ferment. If they are newly fermented they may be ok to eat or drink, but in the case of blue cheese, it's better to buy it aged and while it still edible.

• Wisdom

Wisdom by its very nature is generally time tested and very often free. Anything that's sold as a wise choice should pass the wisdom test. New wisdom is really just smart thinking, and smart thinking that is used over time becomes wisdom. Some questions to ask when told a purchase is a wise choice are: Is it really wise? Why is it wise? And which piece of wisdom is it referring to?


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