

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ways to Become Richer

Easy ways to become richer involve making use of the following universal principles of wealth. For some, making use of these financial concepts is easier than others, but opportunity is sometimes made and anyone can create. These ways to become richer do work and can do so quite easily, but they do have to be used in the right way.

• Capitalize

The richest people on earth have all capitalized on one thing or another, or received their wealth from persons who did. Capitalizing for individuals means creating a financial opportunity through a circumstance or event. For example, Mac's neighborhood  is required to keep its grass below 6 inches in height and regularly pay companies to mow their lawns. Mad locates a grass seed supplier that has grass that grows at half the speed and sells the grass seeds to his neighbors earning him 25%  and saving his neighbors 25%.
• Leverage

Leverage is the use of money that is not your own for the purpose of capitalizing or maximizing a profitable decision. Credit cards are example of leverage, but do not capitalize on that leverage. In other words leverage must be combined with capitalizing in order to become a way of becoming richer. An example of leverage is a loan used to run a home business.

• Spot deals

Spotting deals is an easy way to become rich because it can take less time to spot a deal and make more money that it would to make the same amount of money in another more time consuming way. Deals are financial opportunities that afford the deal-maker a chance to make a profit. Sometimes risk is involved making use of deals, but this varies and good deals don't necessarily have to have a lot of risk to make a lot of money.

• Relocate

Due to differences in the cost of living worldwide an average amount of wealth in one country may be a lot of wealth in another. By relocating to a country or location with a lower cost of living, one in affect becomes richer because their money is able to accomplish more and purchase more products or services. Cost of living can be determined using exchange rates, consumer price indexes and price of labor.

• Exploit

Exploiting opportunities is a way to optimize capitalization, leverage, and deals. This involves getting the most out of a financial opportunity by  emphasizing the technique or method that allows that financial opportunity to become profitable. Examples of exploitation are a squirrel hiding acorns from a tree to save them, a business lobbying for economic policy that makes it more profitable to operate or an individual cycling crops to make the most out of soil.


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