

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Financial news 08/30/2012

Daily Finance: States pay their lawyers better than the federal government
NYT: Congress asks for less from Fed over rate manipulation allegations
MarketWatch: Only 54% of Americans have over $10K cash after dying
DOL: Jobless claims wk ending 08/25/12 374K; average up to 370.25K
FRB: U.S. economic expansion grew gradually between July-August
Fox: Federally insured student loans not payable by next of kin after death
Zero Hedge: HELOC 90-day+ delinquency reached 4.92% by June 30
BI: Regulations led to a war vet being fired for a 49-yr-old dime stunt
CNBC: Silicon valley leads nation in sale of high-priced homes
CNN: Education an "advantage" in  CA, FL & TX per Brookings Institute
Reuters: Walmart to lower cardholder gas price by 15 cents in 20 states
Bloomberg: Indians starve after politicians steal $14.5 billion in food


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