

Monday, August 6, 2012

Financial news 08/06/2012

Daily Finance: IRS gains $8,750 for each U.S. gold medal at 35% rate
CNN Money: New jobs to wane on earnings, Fiscal Cliff, and no QE3
AP: Approval rating of Congress only 12% per CBS & NYTs poll
Option Queen: Knight Capital computers insufficiently monitored
BI: Late stage in corporate earnings cycle waxes uncertainty
CNBC: Gold to potentially reach $1,900 by yr end per HSBC analysts
MarketWatch: Stock markets indicating "whipsaw" action
ZH: ECB to intervene in markets, with inflation & illegitimacy to follow
BBC: European resentments a risk to the Eurozone per Italy's Monti
Bloomberg: Dollar and Yen weaken against the Euro


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