

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Financial news 08/07/2012

Fox Business: NYSE seeking settlement over unfair competition probe
Daily Finance: Food to cost $875 more in 2013 due to drought
Bloomberg: Fiscal Cliff "nothing to do with reality" due to tax cut costs
DOL: Net new jobs created in June 3.8 million, up from 3.7 million
CNNMoney: Small business loans now require higher credit standards
CNBC: Stock market rally is irrational based on economic data
Reuters: Knight capital shares down 24.2% on dilution
NYT: 401(k)s, bonds and real estate are investments for the "fed up"
Reuters: In 2011, 7,000 financial advisers left industry; trend to continue
MarketWatch: Oil prices recently rose to $92/barrel on upward momentum
Telegraph: European political tensions mount over Monti warning
Zero Hedge: Spanish Stock exchange halted trading for 5 hrs Monday


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