

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Financial News 05/31/2012

Daily Finance: "Smishing," a prize variation of phishing, is a scam
Bloomberg: Up to 100 Californian municipalities could default on debt
DOL: 383,000 jobless claims were filed the week ending 05/26/2012
Forbes: Q1, 2012 GDP a lagging effect of QE2, further slowing predicted
BI: Convexity in duration formulas better predict future bond prices
CNBC: Analysts say oil price could fall as low as $78/brl in short-term
ADP: 133,000 private sector jobs were created in April
Zero Hedge: CDS sellers use ask price at day's end, not bid or close price
Fortune: A more regulated Internet would be bad for the global economy
Telegraph: Euro currency split could lower UK real estate up to 50%
Reuters: Euro survival requires greater fiscal integration per EU official
CNN Money: Brazilian jobs attract workers from around the world
AP: Indian economic growth slowed to 3 yr low of 5.3% in Q1, 2012


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