

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Financial News 05/03/2012

Huff Post: 1,800 Americans gave up citizenship to avoid IRS
AP: Medicare to be disrupted if health care law is overruled
BI: Recent stock market rally reflects unsustainable economics
DOL: 365,000 jobless claims were filed the week ending 04/30/2012
CNBC: Bankers "warn" Volcker rule could yield liquidity problems
BLS: Q1, 2012 labor productivity down .5% & labor costs up 2%
CNN Money: Workforce stats don't include 86 million dropouts
MN: Presidential commission co-chairman warns of economic crisis
Reuters: Lower maze prices ease food global food prices, for now
BBC: Spanish 3-yr bond yields up 1.44% to 4.04% in sale


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