

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Financial News 05/17/2012

BLS: 370,000 jobless claims were filed the week ending 05/12/2012
MW: Fitch estimates banks need $566 billion for regulatory compliance
AP: Home repossession rate increase in April indicated by state data
CNN Money: House Republicans pledge new national debt standoff
NYT: J P Morgan Chase losses now $3 billion and is at mercy of market
ETF Daily: Soros doubts long-term gold bear market and high dollar
BI: Facebook's co-founder renounces U.S. citizenship, saves $67 million
Reuters: U.S. bond yields showing signs of bottoming with less bulls
Bloomberg: Euro near 4 month low, Spain's 2015 bond yields up 1.49% 
CNBC: Greek exit from Eurozone could cost near $254 billion
Telegraph: Bank of England raises 2012 inflation forecast to above 2.5%


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