

Friday, December 28, 2012

Four top factors that influence the price of used cars


One thing that both buyers and sellers of used cars can agree upon is the fact that the key to buying and selling pre-owned vehicles is figuring out their value. Once the debate about what is important when buying used automobiles is out of the way, it is then time to determine what exactly the true value of a used car is. In order to decide what that value is, there are four main factors that should be considered.


Just dropped in to see how my condition is

First and foremost, the most important factor to go over when figuring out a used car's value is condition. While that might seem obvious to you it doesn't make it any less true. You're not going to buy a used car if it's in no condition to be driven and if you are you're not going to pay a whole lot for it. On the other hand, a used car that is in near mint condition is going to be worth a whole lot more than a car that's dented up or has some scratches on it.


How many miles does it get?

After the condition of a used car has been determined, the next used car price influence is mileage. Every used car has been on the road for a different amount of time and a car that has barely been driven will be worth quite more than one that has been traveling the countryside clocking miles on the odometer.


As my grandpappy used to say, old reliable

Reliability plays a big part in determining a used car's true worth because drivers want to be behind the wheel of a car that they can trust. When figuring out how reliable a used car is, look to the car's maintenance records to see how often the car was brought in for routine service. Check whether the car suffered any recurring or major repairs. If reliability is a grey area, then the only thing that can lead to is negotiation.


Always a popularity contest

Popularity contests aren't just reserved for high school prom king and queen contests. In the world of used cars, popularity also reigns supreme. A used BMW or Cadillac is going to cost more than a lesser vehicle brand, and if price is an issue then going for a less popular vehicle make or model is the answer. If you can understand the factors that influence a used car's value, you should have no problem buying or selling a used car!

About the author: Donald loves to play with his children and pet dog, he enjoys sharing his knowledge of cars with the readers of his blog, and also shares his extensive car knowledge at other sites as we like Other then cars, Don enjoys watching the Giants play football.


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