

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A "fictional holiday message" from the "founder" of Moneycation

Non-legal cognitive disclaimer: The validity of this post is logically unsound and is therefore unproven to be true. There is no empirical basis to consider the following anything but fictionally off-topic even though the ontological basis for empirical evidence is itself questionable. It therefore complies with scientific norms of thinking and demonstrates distinct awareness and understanding of  conventional "reality" independently, and mutually exclusive of the "reality principle", despite the "power to define reality", and regardless of the philosophical logic that gives merit to both realist and anti-realist "concepts" about the true nature of reality.

 Image attribution: ESO/S.Brunier; CC BY 3.0

Dear readers,

This message is not from my heart, it is from my soul.

This very moment is not even as big as a speck of dust in the vision of a conscious multidimensional universe that's sight lasts into eternity. Your mortal life is about as relevant, but no less meaningful than the life-cycles of the universe, or universes and any other creation in all that is.

The words we say and the actions we carry out are the undeniable reflections of the life we live. To a  soul, they are more transparent than the clearest glass and much of what happens in this world is a far cry from the beauty and harmony of spiritual life. The fastest cars, the biggest families, the nicest jewels, the best meals and the greatest of moments on Earth pale in comparison to a life fully materialized in spirit.

Yet we continue to be consumed by our egos in socially constructed dances set forth by a mostly mortally driven human culture and civilization. Often times these serve the egos of individuals, communities and nations alike more than our greater purpose here on Earth. They aren't always bad, as the ego does "good" things as well. Yet many of us are in denial, if not spiritually blinded by the illusions of mortality.

The news you read, the songs you hear, the words you speak and the relationships you have all have soul, but often only a token amount.  Perhaps we as humans think our souls or some greater nature have put us in temporary shells to live in this hell or is it heaven on earth? Maybe we shake our fist at existence and from existence the only way we know how, denial through a full-throttled embrace of material reality.  Is this what the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche meant in the following quote:
“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”-Friedrich Nietzsche
Denying the soul will not make you happier, it will leave you feeling empty, and devoid of greater fulfillment if not meaning. Depending on your physical circumstances, you may also have wealth with materials of no spiritual value, and be at risk of spiritual bankruptcy. Think with your soul for just a moment, because you do have one. Imagine what the world would be like if our egos collaborated, or accounted for just a fraction of what they have to say.

The ego has the power to ruin you from the inside out, your soul will never betray you like that. Yet the ego almost always wins here on earth because you are indeed mortal and stuck living a mortal life based on the results of a much larger endeavor. It's just the way things are; kind of like election results, the outcome of football games, and the weather for the day. You can't do much to change those results either.

Your soul is the real pilot of your existential journey on earth. You can rebel, cooperate or deny, just as you do with your laws, social norms, and cultural values. As mortals you do have free will just as your soul has eternal free will. That's life, no one said life is fair, takes one to know one etc. etc. The order of the spiritual world has it's trite sayings as well, and humans have a great deal of potential to be the butt of many jokes by the comics of beyond.

That is because humans are biologically self-aware computers that exist primarily to serve the soul, but secondarily to enhance the meaning of life in the mortal realm. You have the choice to embrace what your soul has to offer, or to ignore it in favor of fleeting glimpse of reality you call mortality. Mortality does have its undeniable problems, pitfalls and difficulties, but try looking at those same issues through the eyes of your soul rather than the ego of your brain. Think outside the box of your own head just to see if the results are any better for your ego!

Having said all that, thanks for reading and please take note of the donate button at the very bottom left hand corner of this page. No one has used it since this blog has been in operation and every cup of coffee helps. Also, please feel free to leave comments at the end of posts or in the forum. Thanks and have a good holiday : )

A.W. Berry


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