

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A look at financial freedom

Everyone knows how to gain financial freedom the hard way, but what isn’t quite so evident, is how to gain financial freedom quickly, easily and with no risk i.e. effortlessly. However, societal structure is not designed for this, but rather to the contrary. Perhaps if all humans were wealthy no one would work. Even so, how does one gain financial freedom in 30 words or less? i.e. with a straight answer that doesn’t wander off into the world of rhetoric, or semantics.

Image attribution: Africa; standard royalty free license

Since 30 words have already passed, the answer to that question should now be evident. That is to say, the answer to this question is, if financial freedom doesn’t already exist, chances are it can’t be found in 30 seconds or less. That’s a reality hurdle that can make attaining financial freedom that much more possible. Having said that, before explaining how to gain financial freedom, it is important to first define what financial freedom is as it is a loaded term that differs based on perception of what it is.

For one person financial freedom may be living a life of luxury without having to work, but for another it may simply mean being free of the concept of money altogether. The path toward financial freedom is different for both types of financial freedom. Being free of the idea of money altogether is actually harder to do because it is such a prevalent aspect of so many economic systems.

When effort is thought of as overcoming personal, cultural or economic friction, that effort is at least somewhat determined by the level of that friction. For example, one who does what comes naturally i.e. out of  un-manipulated personal choice while earning money doing so, can be thought to be making less effort than one who does something that earns money against his or her will. In such case, the former of the two makes less effort to gain financial freedom because the path to that financial freedom is more effortless. Thus, the first step toward gaining financial freedom effortlessly is to do what comes naturally.

For the person who seeks to avoid training his or her mind to acquire financial freedom, a more literal, and even more effortless notion of financial freedom is alluded to. The lottery winner almost fits this criterion, but is accompanied by the one key caveat of low probability. Thus, how to achieve financial freedom with high probability in addition to minimal effort is the question. The answer to this question is to find the financial opportunity that has high probability of success, is accessible, and requires little or no effort to implement.

Naturally, the next question in how to gain financial freedom might be, if financial opportunity is required, how does one find financial opportunity. Now the notion of financial freedom is gone, and instead replaced by the more accurate question of how to gain financial opportunity that pays. The easy answer is of course to look, but this would be followed up with the question, where does one look? The answer to this question varies, but can be quickly answered by saying, look where money is most easily acquired, but think in a way that is not designed for the macro-economic mass.


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