

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Best High Risk Stocks to Buy

High-risk stocks to buy should ideally provide a high return on investment to compensate for the risk taken in the investment. High risk stocks to buy include stocks listed in pink sheets that are traded in the Over The Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB), micro-cap, private stock, small cap and some mid-large cap stocks.

In fact, any stock has the potential to be high risk, but some have a greater chance at being bad risks than others. Deciding which high-risk stocks to buy involves first defining what high risk is, and then determining why the risk should be taken. In other words, understanding how to differentiate between good high-risk stocks and bad high-risk stocks may assist in selecting the best high-risk stocks to buy.

What a high risk stock is

High-risk stocks are the shares of high-risk companies. In some cases trading activity of a stock may influence its risk, however for the most part high-risk shares stem from the company itself. High risk generally means the stock price as well as the company shareholders own has a higher than average risk of failure, hence increasing the risk of share prices dropping.

This makes the term 'best high risk stocks' seem a little paradoxical because some people associate risk with bad, in which case there are no 'best high risk stocks' to buy. The following list comprises some of the characteristics that may indicate a high-risk stock.

• Volatile price movements
• Under capitalized
• New businesses
• Badly managed
• Weak performing industry
• Overbought shares
• Unregistered and/or less regulated

How to identify a good high risk stock

Believe it or not some high-risk stocks may be quite a good investment. Just as businesses and financial institutions use risk management, individual investors can manage their risk by distinguishing between reasonable and low-profit probability stocks within the same high risk category. The trick is knowing which stocks are merely high-risk by classification and not actuality. For example, investor models, analysts and trading tools may all indicate a particular stock is high risk due to the potential for failure.

This does not mean the company will fail however, just that the probability of it failing is higher. To find a good high-risk stock involves knowing what to look for. For example, a company with all the characteristics of a high-risk stock may also be a good high-risk stock for the following reasons.

• High growth industry
• Strong quarterly reports
• Innovative technology, product, service etc.
• In demand i.e. non-saturated market
• Competitive edge
• Good value

How to identify a bad high risk stock

Just as some stocks may be more likely to be the best high risk stocks to buy, some may also be the worst, or not as good. Distinguishing the best stocks from the worst is important in determining what aren't the best high risk stocks to buy actually are. For starters, inverse patterns to that of good stocks may indicate a bad stock in addition to characteristic variables that can correlate with the downward or declining value of a company's stock price. The items below may hamper and/or prevent a high-risk stock from risking in price over time.

• Stagnant or declining industry
• Non-growth orientated
• Inefficient operations
• Conflicted organizational structure
• Non-distinguished product and/or service
• Over valuation of shares

Stock and risk analysis

No one can predict which stocks are the best with 100% accuracy, but one can identify, distinguish and differentiate some probability of stock success within the high risk category. This probability can be ascertained both quantitatively and qualitatively with a review of specific areas of performance. However, obtaining the correct information is a challenge in and of itself, especially with private and non-SEC registered corporations.

In light of this, being weary of conflicting and competing information can at times, be difficult when determining a particular stock's chance of success, be it in regard to short-term, medium-term or long-term performance The list below illustrates some of the factors and tools that can be used in analyzing a company's stock.

• Statistical data sets
• Financial fundamentals
• Technical performance
• Economics
• Strategic plan
• Operational and organizational structure
• Managerial accounting

Consideration of a high-risk stock's performance may involve additional techniques of risk analysis. For example stocks within the high-risk category may vary in risk levels based on things like the cost conversion cycle, project management, consistency of revenue, affect of business cycle on the company's solvency, debt management etc. There are many ways to review and study a company's performance that makes accurately determining a company's risk more difficult than it might sound. Nevertheless, with enough knowledge about a business, its competitors, the industry etc. an investor may have a better chances at selecting the best high risk stocks to buy.


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