

Monday, February 7, 2011

How to Survive a Stock Market Crash

To survive a market crash it is helpful to have a sound investment strategy and a suitable back up plan should the stock market crash. A stock market crash is thought of as a dramatic large and/or 20% or more decline in stock indices such as the Nasdaq, Dow Jones or S&P 500. Surviving a stock market crash is what many investors and financial institutions had to do in the fall of 1929 and again on October 19, 1987, also dubbed 'Black Monday'.
The 'flash crash' of May 2010, caused market regulators to re-consider electronic fail safe mechanisms to prevent sudden heavy selling below a certain percentage drop in an index such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average. This can prevent a crash from occurring in the sense that it may lessen investor fear and more sell orders. Should such mechanisms not stop the market from crashing, or dropping heavily over a relatively short period of time, there are a few strategies for surviving a stock market crash.
Stock market crash loss reduction
Reducing loss in the event of a stock market crash is essential when surviving a stock market crash as this allows an investor to financially see another day. Traditional investing plans such as age based investing is a factor to consider overall, but these traditional methods of investing do not necessarily protect all one's assets from a wide spread stock market crash.
• Stop Loss Orders
Different investors have different loss comfort levels. Some can feel fine with losses of 20% whereas others start feeling worried at 5%. Finding one's comfort level and sticking to a pre-determined loss acceptance will prevent one from losing more money in the event the stock price falls dramatically lower. Stop loss orders are a financial mechanism that allow one to set a maximum loss amount before the stock automatically sells at market or pre-set prices.
• Diversification
A cardinal rule of safe investing is to diversify investments i.e. put money in different places. Real estate, Treasury Bonds, Certificates of Deposit and regular checking accounts are all safe places to put money. What's more, if the crash leads to a recession or worse, Gold and precious metals exchange traded funds may be a good idea as well.
• Stay Informed
Being informed of World events, economic trends and sector performance can assist in predicting potential declines or even crashes in the stock market. However, it is not always possible to know with absolute certainty what will happen. Even complex and sophisticated computer modeling programs can't predict every financial event.
• Don't overly invest in risky stocks
Some stocks do better than other stocks during stock market crashes. One cannot easily lose what isn't made available for easy loss, and placing money in time tested large blue chip companies may help do just this. Another options is simply not to invest in stocks at all, but rather Bonds or Commodities i.e. By not investing, or investing conservatively, one may earn a lower yield but may also be assured the investment is safer and more secure during times of market volatility.
Surviving after the stock market crash
There are also a few strategies that can be taken advantage of after a stock market crash, each of which is not a guarantee of success, but rather a method based on outcomes with a certain amount of probably. The first of these strategies is to sell short after which more self-involved methods may be necessary.
• Sell Short
If the crash is going to continue and lead to more declines in market valuations, it might be a good idea to sell short i.e. reverse invest. To sell short means investing with a pre-determined strike price (sell price). If the stock valuation declines below a certain point, the investor can make a profit from selling at the higher strike price.
• Change Investing Strategy
If one has lost the majority of or all of one's investment due to a stock market crash, the investment strategy used in any, probably wasn't all that good to start with. A more conservative, better researched, and safer investment strategy can save potential heartache and financial headaches. As mentioned above, selling short is one such technique to be used.
• Employment
Through employment, one can earn extra money to save for a rainy day such as poor investment decisions and/or a stock market crash. Employment is always a good hedge for investing and a good stand by when investments don't yield.
• Start Over
Whether one likes it or not, there isn't much choice but to start building wealth all over again if one loses money in a stock market crash. To do that takes further investment with an improved investment strategy.
• Prioritize
If there is no money left to invest, the priority is no longer to build wealth but to live to see another day. In such a case survival becomes the priority, after which building a new investment portfolio may become an option.


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