

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How to Cope with Being Broke

The bottom line in life is survival. The way the World and societies are structured in modern times is such that money is the 'resource' through which survival is facilitated. Past are the times people could hunt and gather or live without money in nomadic communes and unpopulated paradises with bounties of food, nice weather and few if any predators.
Being broke means one thing, not being able to survive. Coping with being broke means taking the situation and dealing with it somehow. There are several ways to cope with being broke, one of which includes dealing with being broke. However, how well one deals with being broke is affected by several underlying circumstances. This article will first discuss the underlying circumstances of being broke, then illustrate methods of coping with being broke and finally dealing with being broke.
Identify underlying circumstances
Layoff/Economic Conditions: Sometimes it is not the individuals fault they are broke. One may have been laid off due to corporate downsizing and the unemployment insurance may have run out without finding a new job.
Health: Some of us just aren't healthy enough to work whether it be psychological or physical. The employment market often demands the capacity to work long hours, sometimes under strenuous situations.
Capacity: Many jobs and careers require skills, know how, strength, and stamina. To not have the capacity to do things can lead to not being able to work and thus being broke. If one is homeless with no skills, clothes or money, that person most likely must find help to gain the capacity to work.
Will: The will and motivation to work is the drive that allows working people to do what they do everyday. Not everyone has the same will or motivation. The less of this an individual has, the less likely employers and colleagues are to consider one's work valuable.
Coping with underlying circumstances
It is not impossible for people with 1 or more of the above factors to not be broke via adaptation and compromise of one kind or another. If one is unhealthy to the point of incapacitation, then it is clear that individual cannot work and must rely on an external source for survival. If one is partially incapacitated, one is also partially able to work under the right circumstances. The following sources may aid in facilitating those circumstances.
Vocational Rehabilitation: State Governments often offer special programs to disabled people so they may become skilled and gain assisted employment through state sponsored education and job placement assistance.
Psychological Counseling: Cognitive therapy is not always a cure to psychological illness, but it can be a starting point to a new life. There are many sliding scale, subsidized and non-profit facilitated programs to help with this kind of thing in most major urban centers.
Family and Friends: If one has family and friends, talk to them. Be weary they cannot solve all one's problems and should not be obligated to, but they may be able to offer assistance, love and guidance during times of need.
Social Groups: Whether it be a church, a social group or a meditation program there are other people who have or are broke. These groups can share information and support in the effort to cope with being broke.
Exercise: Exercise and diet are important to both mental and physical health. Good diet can improve chemical balances in the mind and body and exercise can improve strength and appreciation for life.
Dealing with being broke
Complete steps 1 and 2: The process may be slow because the obstacles may be large whether it be grief, disability, depression, fear lack of will or otherwise. A commitment to some kind of regimen around steps of 1 and 2 can better prepare and individual to be less broke or better yet, not broke.
Commit: Commitment is one of the primary ingredients to success whether it be financial or otherwise. Even it if is something small, 1 hour a day, a part time job, paid volunteer work. Any kind of commitment that revolves around the final end of attaining money can assist with overcoming brokenness.
Attain a job or enroll in job training program: There are many ways to work in many vocations. Work can lead to financial freedom and financial freedom is good. Working may not be ideal, but effort is required to attain wealth whether it be via the mind or the body.
Dealing with being broke is not usually fun. During these times 'survival instinct', 'street smarts' and support networks can be one's best friend. There are often underlying circumstances that may need to be dealt with first before moving on to dealing with being broke. Whatever the reasons, there is hope and there is a way.


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