

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Financial news: 01/03/2013

AP: Taxpayer Relief Act provides little relief to taxpayers
NYT: Congress has cut-off funding for hurricane victims 
Fox: Moody's credit agency says Fiscal Cliff deal is insufficient
DOL: Jobless claims 12/29/12 372K ↑10K; average 360K↑ 250
CNBC: Investment euphoria prolonged by Congress
MW: Market rally to be short lived per strategists
MarketWatch: Fiscal Cliff deal buys 300 points on the DJIA
CB: Nov. construction spending .3% below estimate
Fortune: Fiscal Cliff deal is "half-baked" & fiscally inadequate
BI: Market competition to lower instant-video costs
ISM: Dec. manufacturing index rose 1.2% to 50.7
Reuters: Eurozone to face grim recession in 2013
BBC: Portual challenges Eurozone budget requirements


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