

Monday, July 9, 2012

Financial news 07/09/2012

CNBC: Slow U.S. economic growth to continue per Boston Fed Chief
Reuters: U.S. corporations face worse earnings outlook in 4 years
Business Insider: Much of Dodd-Frank Act eviscerated per Robert Reich
NYT: Only 28% of commercial mortgages due in full by 2012 to be paid off
CNNMoney: Lackluster job growth a new reality, high jobless rate to persist
CFPB: Reports indicate 29% of 22-29 yr olds delay costly education
Zero Hedge: Homes and stocks measured in gold ozs reflect their true value
BBC: British politician says U.K. banks need more competition via reform
AP: China invests in state run institutions over private businesses
Bloomberg: Japanese May account surplus reaches 1985 levels


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