

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Financial News 04/12/2012

Federal Budget Deficits 2007-2014 
Source: Whitehouse, US-PDGov

Projected Budget Deficits 2009-2020
Congressional Budget Office Version
 Source: Congressional Budget Office, US-PDGov

BLS:  380,000 jobless claims were filed the week ending 04/07/2012
AP: Foreclosure prevention program riddled with delays and disagreements
AOL: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac own 200,000 foreclosed homes
Reuters: 28% of U.S. work force supported by intellectual property
Census: February U.S. trade deficit  declined  $5.2 billion to $46 billion
NPD Group: Average cable cost in U.S. reached $86/month in 2011
U.S. Treasury: March 2012 budget deficit $198.1 billion
BLS: March PPI for net trade services up 1.2%, Core PPI up .3%
BW: Women with Alzheimer's granted $34 million on health insurance suit
The Street: Romney's Swiss accounts stoke claims of fiscal anti-patriotism
Bloomberg: Speculation of Asian monetary easing entertains rally
BBC: Greek city of Volos is using a barter exchange currency called TEM


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