

Friday, September 30, 2011

The money fight on debt mountain continues on

Republicans and Democrats continue to experience disagreements over something they previously did not have such extensive limitations on, money. Now the national debt has exceeded $14.7 trillion per the U.S. Treasury Department, and deficit spending continues on according to the Congressional Budget Office it has reached a point where caution is not only wise but necessary.

Politicians have to find ways to solve national issues while simultaneously meeting the demands of their constituents. That has lead to political infighting and gridlock that has caused the public to become disturbed by the effectiveness of Washington's problem solving abilities. According to Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire "Congress has repeatedly failed to pass 12 annual spending bills on time..." Even before this year, the Atlantic reported 80 percent of the public do not trust the government in reference to a Pew Research Center study.
Image source: Frits Ahlefeldt

Even though administrative goals are attempting to cut deficit spending via a 'Congressional Super Committee', the actual affect on national debt will still be negative. This is because cuts in deficit spending only reduce the amount of debt accumulated each year, and not the national debt which includes budget debt added on from previous years.  This means national debt will continue to expand and Social Security and Medicare 'entitlements' will be pressured to find a sustainable source of financing.
Copyright CC-BY-SA-3.0 Attribution "Unforgettable Fan"

Without an improvement in the economy government tax receipts rise. How that is supposed to occur is one of the things GOP members and Democrats argue about, the latter seeking to raise taxes on the wealthy and the former hoping to boost revenue through deregulation and pro-business legislation. With a Republican majority in the House and a Democratic majority in the Senate ideological differences will either be compromised or lead to legislative delays. For example, Fox News reported only around 70 legislative bills will been signed by the President this year whereas 230 were last year.


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