

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Book Check: Triduum edition

I know that most of you have some spiritual reading you've been chewing on during Lent and into the Triduum.

I'm going to be reading Fulton Sheen's Characters of the Passion: Lessons on Faith and Trust this weekend. (It's been sitting buried in the pile on my bedside table since last Lent.) His reflections on Peter, Pontius Pilate, and Judas are particularly poignant.

For reading aloud to the children, we have some fine works by Inos Biffi and his talented illustrator, Franco Vignazia.

Story of the Eucharist is long for reading aloud in its entirety over a weekend, and needs a bit of on-the-fly editing for length (at least for the attention spans of the under-7 crowd), but it's a wonderfully illustrated history of the Eucharist in Catholic life. (The artist is honest -- he doesn't sugarcoat the bland ugliness of modern church architecture. Fortunately you only get a bit of that in the beginning and the end.)

An Introduction to the Liturgical Year has a good section on Lent, and The Way of the Cross: Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross, and the Resurrection is perfect for the Triduum, as well as being a beautiful and practical book for children to take to Stations of the Cross, Good Friday Services, and long Easter vigil Masses.


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