

Monday, January 5, 2009

Year in review

Via Melanie, the Blog in Review Meme:
Post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month.
No pix because I didn't feel like it, but here are the sentences.

When the Darwin children tore the wrapping off their Christmas presents last week, they bore tags like "From Mom and Dad" and "From Grandma" but not "From Santa".
UPDATE: TS writes to inform us that an update has been posted to the link below, in which CleanFlicks denies that the offender ever worked for or was associated with them.
I got a call from my younger sister tonight. "Darwin, do you know if a consecration with bread that is probably leavened is valid?"

A National Review piece by Arthur C. Brooks today notes an interesting study result:
In 1996, the General Social Survey asked a large sample of Americans whether they agreed that, “The government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality.”

My daughters' preferred method of selecting library books is to sweep an armful off a shelf into a basket and stagger over to a table to peruse them.


“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.
Over at Teeny Manolo, Glinda has put up a list of the pros and cons of having only one child.
A couple weeks ago, MrsDarwin and I drove by the tea shop in the "old down town" of our area (a single street with difficult parking which is not within walking distance of anywhere and not easy to get to, but features a dozen picturesque old buildings on each side of the street and the public library down at the end) and saw that it was closing its physical premises and becoming an online-only business.
Our ability to speak, not just communicate but truly use language, is one of those things that sets us apart from the rest of creation.
I had to run out and do some errands during lunch, and then picked up a hamburger to eat at my desk.
As if to make sure I can't spend too much of my time reading and writing political blogging, the job has me in training the first half of this week.
Taking a quiet Saturday morning to catch up on reading the newspaper, I was perusing a WSJ article on the lost virtue of prudence in our modern American society when I came across this jarring note: "The puzzling thing is that, under normal circumstances, our Americanus prudens should be flourishing."
I'm glad to see that one of these features what seems to be our most popular jump-off: "I was reading this article in the WSJ..."


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